Saturday, November 03, 2007

Where's Happy??

I know, I know.

The question that has been on everyone's mind the past year is: Where's Happy? Now I certainly don't want this question to be confused with that pathetic Waldo and his annoying series of books but it is a worthy question. Where have I been??

Well ... I have been sooo busy travelling with my friends and well, I'll be honest, I'm a really lazy little H-Face. My last blog posting was over one year ago and a lot has happened since then. I have been to Spain and Portugal. That's me above hanging out with Mr. Super Bock Monk in Lisbon. I also moved from Morocco to Madrid! So in fact, I have been busy. Well I really didn't help in the move but ...

Anyway, I promise to tell you all about my journeys, complete with photos soon. But for now, it's just good to be back in the saddle. HFace is back and I promise there will be no photos of me wearing that awful red striped shirt. No wonder why they called him Waldo.


Grey Bear said...

Welcome back Happy! You've been away from the blogosphere for too long!

La Gatita Gringa said...

Cheeky fellow! Where have you been?? Drinking no doubt by the look of things.